The mystery of my great grandfather and his family: Bernt Cornelius Kristofersen (Christofersen) born at Fjellhamar, Ullensaker 31.03.1854 (in Akershus Norway).
Thanks to a tip from a member of my genealogy club in Norway i found my great grand father in the Jefferson roll 1351 book 2 no 95 and 96 Census 1910. But I only have a tiny microcopy on paper an wanted to see the text . How can a buy a transcript for Benjamin and Ragna Christoferson.
The othe family is possybly my great grandfather Bennie Christofson and wife Rena/Rene. Both first marriage and possibly no children in USA. He was 63 and she 1. Both borne in Norway by Norwegisan parents. Immigrationyear looks like the same on both: 18?2 or something? Also Bennie as 'driller'. All adults immigrants is naturalisert.
From Tomdstone Hopping by Patricia Steele [] You can see my website at .
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