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One day to go, the trip starts from Romerike Airport near Oslo tomorrow 18 april.

The task to find my great grandfather i Pittsburgh is on, and here i s what I have found.
And then Pittsburgh to see if I find the grave for great grandfather.

Punxsutawney 1910 -1920 Axel and Mina, they lived in113 W Mahoning St
with  Ragna and Bernt.

Census 1910 Jefferson Cty Punxutawney They lived at 326 Torrence St.

Census 1930

Olaf og Mina After Axel died in 1921, Mina remarried with Olaf 1924 They lived at MC Kinley St. 224 Allegheny Pittsburgh
Joseph og Mari  

They lived at Allegheny West Liberty Ave. 3061 - 3063.  Part of Dormount Borough, Pittsburgh.
They got a son Roger born 1928 hopfully with luck I can find him.

Census 1910
Pennsylvania - Jefferson - Greater Punxsutawney Borough - Enumeration District 82 - Sheet Number 11B (image 22/70 hos Ancestry) - 22 Day of April 1910: Steetnam unclear for me: Terrence Street? Axel Christoferson in no 322 and Bennie Christoferson in 326.
At census agent vissit 225 and 226, was vissited right after each other: Axel Christofson was 42 years and married first time for 20 years ago, and wife Mena (Mina) was 40 years. Both first marriage. She had 5 children that all lived. Both borne in Norway by Norwegisan parents.
Later we see tha son Oluf is borne in Pennsylvania. Han was 19 years. Other children Bennie 16, Segrede 13, Joseph 11 and Martha 5. Axel worked as'driller'. Immigraston year is difficult to see here, 1883 or 1893 on both.

Ekteskapet mellom Axel og Mina i Norge har vi ikke funnet enda, hvis noen har tips.
Mina var 17 år når hun giftet seg opplyser hun i folketellingen. Trolig giftet de seg et eller
annet sted på østlandet i 1888.

Special thanks for great help and inspiration to:
Laila N. Christiansen
Turid Holsve & Geir Kamsvaag Berntsen
Marius Hellerud
Patricia Steele
James Sterrett
Genealogyforum at DIS Norway

They have made this search possible.

USA NEXT... to find my roots 18 of April

 Bernt Kristoffersen

Jefferson County

Flere Christofferson familie som dro?
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Searches that have lasted for 50 years.

Anker Ljungren

Hans Pedersen Holt

De utvandret til USA og het CHRISTOFFERSON,

Ole Olsen og ukjent kone
De giftet seg med. De fikk tre barn:
Axel, Wilhelm, og Karl (Charles).

2-Axel CHRISTOFFERSON ble født den 14 Okt 1856 i Kristiania? Norway og døde den 27 Des 1921 i Punxutawey Usa 65 år gammel.
Hendelser i hans liv var:
• Han finnes i folketellingen fra 1910 til 1920 i Punxsutawney. Pennsylvania 1910 Miracode
Index Recordinfo about Axel Christofson
Name: Axel Christofson Birthplace: Norway State: PA Age: 42 Color: W Enumeration District: 0082 Visit: 0225
County: Jefferson, Greater Punxsuta Relation: Head of Household Other Residents: Relation Name Age Birth Place

Wife Mena 40 Norway
Son Oluf 19 Pennsylvania
Son Rennie 16 Pennsylvania
Daughter Segrede 13 Pennsylvania
Son Joseph 11 Pennsylvania
Daughter Martha 05 Pennsylvania

Dette er det som er indexert på familen i 1920 Record
Axel Cristoffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1866 Norway White
View Record Mina Cristoffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1868 Norway White
View Record Olab Cristoffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1892 Norway White
View Record Watlman Crifftoffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1876 Norway White
View Record Benny Crisloffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1857 Norway White
View Record Flenga Crisloffson Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1866 Norway White
View Record Olah Haugh Punxsutawney Ward 4, Jefferson, Pennsylvania abt 1875 Norway White

• Hans begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row 10
Well Known Driller Succumbed Christmas Morning to Heart Disease, Aged 50 Years Dec. 27, 1921
Death at 9:30 o'clock Christmas morning claimed A. Christofferson, for 29 years a resident of Punxsutawney and one of the city's most substantial and respected residents.
Although he has been ailing the past six months and unable to work his condition was not regarded as critical and he retired Saturday night apparantly in his usual health. He arose Sunday morning, became suddenly ill and died a short time later.
The deceased was born in Cristiania, Norway, October 14, 1856 and came to America 29 years ago. He located in this city and for a time was engaged in the drilling business as a partner of Jonas Johannsen. He later went into partnership with O.C. Hoffman in the drilling business and for a number of years past had been a trusted and efficient employe of the Punxsutawney Drilling Company. A kindly, industrious and charitable man, a considerate and loving father those who knew him intimatedly respected him greatly. He was a member of the First English Lutheran church of this city. He leaves his widow, three sons, Benjamin, Olaf and Joseph, and one daughter Sigrid of this place. He also leaves one brother, William, who made his home with the deceased.
The local aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, of which the deceased was a member, will have charge of services which will be held at the home on Church street Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. C.O. Frank, of the Lutheran church, will be the officiating clergyman. Burial in Circle hill cemetery.
• Han arbeidet som diamond driller i Punxsutawney, PA, USA.

Axel giftet seg med
Mina (Wilhelmina) OLSEN?, datter av Ole OLSEN?, i 1888 i Norge?. Mina ble født i 1871 i Ullensaker og døde i 1936 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA 65 år gammel. De fikk sju barn: Anna, Olaf, Benni (Benjamin), Ingrid, Joseph, Martha, og Sigrid.

Ekteskapsnotater: Census 1910 Jefferson Cty Punxutawney De bodde i 326 Torrence St.
Hendelser i deres ekteskap:

• De bodde Punxsutawney Directory fra 1914 til 1920 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA. 113 W Mahoning St sammen med
Ragna og Bernt.

Hendelser i hennes liv var:
• Hun utvandret Div. Notater. Mina Olsen hun døde som (Mina Olsen Christofferson Haug in 1936) i USA

Men hvor er Mina hvis hun er født i 1871 og er søster som alt tyder på burde hun vært med på 75 tellinga.
Hun var 59 år i 1930 census iflge Laila = 1871 også iflg SuperLaila utvandret hun i 1897.
• Hennes begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row 10

3-Anna CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1891 i Ullensaker.

3-Olaf CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1892 i Ullensaker.

3-Benni (Benjamin) CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1894 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA og døde i 1939 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA 45 år gammel. Hendelser i hans liv var:
• Hans begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row 11

3-Ingrid CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1897 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA.

3-Joseph CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1899 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA.
Hendelser i hans liv var:
• Han finnes i 1930 folketellingen den 9 Apr 1930 i Allegheny West Liberty Ave. 3061 - 3063. Part of Dormount Borough, Pittsburgh

Joseph giftet seg med Marie CHRISTOFFERSON i 1924 i USA. Marie ble født i 1903 i Kentucky. De fikk en sønn: Roger.

4-Roger CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1928 i Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Generelle notater: One thing that I might still try is to locate information about Axel and Mina's son Joseph. I found him in the 1930 census in Pittsburgh (he was married to Marie and had a son Roger.) He was still living in Pittsburgh in the 1960's. Maybe if we can find his son Roger, who if living would be 76, we can get more family information. Also, Joseph may have had additional children after the 1930 census.

3-Martha CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1905 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA og døde i 1918 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA 13 år gammel. Generelle notater: Obituaries:

Little daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A. Christopherson Dies at 8 o'clock Wednesday Evening April 25, 1915/7
Death last evening at 8 o'clock claimed Martha Christopherson, the 12 year old daughter of Mr. And Mrs. A. Christopherson, of this place. Death, always sad, is particularly so in this instance. Up until last Saturday the little girl had apparently in the very acme of childish health and spirits. She was taken suddenly ill and from the outset it was recognized that she could not recover. A disease of the kidneys coused her death. A bright, attractive and lovable child, Martha had innumerable friends both among the children of her own age and among the older persons of the town. She was born in Punxsutawney and attended the public schools here and was beloved by her teachers and her schoolmates. She is survived by her parents, one sister and three brothers, Sigrid, Olaf, Benjamin and Joseph, all at home. The arrangements for the funeral have not been made.

Hendelser i hennes liv var:
• Hennes begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row 10

3-Sigrid CHRISTOFFERSON ble født i 1898 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA og døde i 1930 i Punxsutawney, PA, USA 32 år gammel. Hendelser i hennes liv var:
• Hennes begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row10

Wilhelm CHRISTOFFERSON døde i Punxsutawney, PA, USA.

2-Karl (Charles) CHRISTOFFERSON døde i Punxsutawney, PA, USA.

Familierapport for Bernt Cornelius Christophersen

Født 31 Mar 1854 Fjeldhamer Døhlen, Ullensaker, Akershus Døpt 13 Apr 1854 Ullensaker Hovin Annex Død USA

Far Christopher / Kristofer Hansen Houg (1816- ) Mor Marthe Larsdatter (1817- ) Ekteskap 1892 Norge
Han fikk også barn med Johanne Martiniussen Sparby (1867-1942) 1
Han utvandret Utvandret til Wisconsin USA? den 28 Mar 1884. til Wisconsin USA?
Når Hilda Olivia blir født har han tittel ungkar og grubearbeider f. 1856, dvs. han må ha oppholdt seg i Norge juni 1891. Iflg utvandringspapirer er han født ca. 1854-1855, men han var jo ikke tilstede ved fødslen.
Som utvandret fra Ullensaker finner jeg kun en:
Bernt Kristoffersen, løpenr.7100091, kontakt dato 27/3-1884, Arbeider 30 år, agent Elster, bestemmelsessted New York, båt Rollo, avreise dato 28/3-1884, PPD, T. Fasting Emi film 846 protokoll 11 side 28 nr 794
Han må så ha kommet tilbake etter 3 - 4 år:

Bernt Kristoffersen, løpenr.7410011, kontakt dato 16/3-1888, Arbeider 33 år,været i Amerika i 4 år agent Elster, bestemmelsessted Hautzdale Pen, båt Rollo, avreise dato 16/3-1884,frakt beløp i spd. 127, Americaner. Emi film 847/848 protokoll 14 side 330 nr 10 fra toppen

Bernt Kristoffersen 36 år, Americaner kontrakt dato og avreise 3 juli 1891, agent Helgesen, skip Montebello, 4 år i Amerika.
Reiste sammen med Ragna 20 år fra Ullensaker. Destinasjon Punxatawney, Pennsylvania. (var hun en mulig kusine eller kone?) Se Emi film 849 side 275.

Han må ha vært glad i å reise fordi han må ha kommet tilbake i 1891, og siden ca. 1920?

OBS:790009106.04.99 Christoffersen Ragna G 31 Amerika Elster Punxsutawney Pa Montebello 07.04.99 127 Anm: Avgift 50 øre betalt
790009206.04.99 Martinsen Olaus Kjørekarl 23 Ullensager Elster Punxsutawney Pa Montebello 07.04.99
2 Han finnes i FT 1865 

1875 folketellingen. 235 L 0794 LI3 <2 Døli Østre 241 a
Hans Olsen 72 år
Inge Gundersdatter 48 år
Bernt Kristoffersen Lægdslem Ugift, 12 år Ullensaker præstegjeld

Matr. nr. 241 a Dølin Østre
Hans Olsen Gaardbruger, selveier G 72 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Inge Gundersdatter Kone G 48 K Ullensagers Præstegj.
Kristofer Hansen Søn U 24 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Halvor Hansen Søn U 21 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Anton Hansen Søn U 17 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Julius Hansen Søn U 10 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Karl Hansen Søn U 8 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Maren Kristine Hansdatter Datter U 25 K Ullensagers Præstegj.
Martea Hansdatter Datter U 13 K Ullensagers Præstegj.
Laurits Halvorsen Tj. karl U 19 M Ullensagers Præstegj.
Tea Julia Hansdatter Tj.pige U 17 K Ullensagers Præstegj.
Ole Hansen Smed, lever med familien E 71 M Hurdals Præstegj.
Bernt Kristofersen Lægdslem U 12 Ullensager Præstegj.

Tellingsår: 1875 Kommune: Ullensaker Kommunenummer: 0235, matr. 241b (
Navn på bosted: Døhlen Østre Antall personer registrert på bostedet: 11.
Navn Familiestilling Sivilstand Yrke Fødselsår Fødested
Karen Hansdatter Døhlen Husmoder E 1837 Ullensaker
Rina Hansdatter Datter U 1861 Ull.
Milla Hansdatter Datter U 1864 Ull.
Hilda Hansdatter Datter U 1869 Ull.
Thea Jensdatter Tjenestepige U 1851 Ull. Budeie
Anne Gurine Hansdatter Tjenestepige U 1855 Ull. Budeje
Karine Emilie Hansdatter Tjenestepige U 1856 Ull. Stuepige
Bernt Christoffersen Tjenestegut U 1853 Ull.
Olavus Davidsen Tjenestegut U 1856 Ull.
Peter Julius Johansen Lægdslem U 1862 Raade
Hans Simonsen Føderaadsmand E 1808 Gjerdrum

Døli bruk 1 del2 Ull bygdebok III side 283/284

3 Han ble konfirmert Mini 16 kort 7/12 side 263 nr 61 den 5 Sep 1869 i Hovind. Temmelig godt. Fødested Fjeldhamar. vaksinert 19.07.1854  Skrev da Bernt Kornelius

4 Han arbeidet som diamond driller fra 1914 til 1920.

5 Han finnes i folketellingen i 1930 i Pittsburgh, PA, USA. In 1930 a familiy in Mc Kinley St 224, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA persons Olaf Haug (54 borne in norway), wife Mina (59 borne in norway). Cant be her first marriage.Olaf married first time at 47 years (can be 1923) she was 17 (cirka 1888). Stepdoughter to Olaf) Sigrid Christofferson (27 years unmarried and by norwegian parents) toghether with brother in law Ben Christofferson (75 years and widowman borne in Norway by Norwegian parents).

Hustru Ragna Olsen Født 1859-1867 ? Norge Død 1920 Punxsutawney, PA, USA Far Ole Olsen?
Hennes begravelse ble holdt i Bell Township, Circle Hill Cemetery. Row 11
Deceased Had Been Resident of Punxsutawney For the Past 25 Years August 19, 1920
Mrs. Ragna Christofferson, wife of Benjamin Christofferson of West Mahoning street, died at 7:20 this morning after an illness covering a period of two years, at the age of 54 years.
About two years ago the deceased suffered a stroke of paralysis and last winter developed influenza and pneumonia, which in her weakened condition, finally ended in her death.
Mrs. Christofferson was born in Christiania, Norway, and came to this country about 26 years ago and was united in marriage to Benjamin Christofferson. She had lived the greater portion of this time in Punxsutawney with the execption of 14 trips made to her home in Norway. The deceased was noted for her sunny disposition, her charitableness and thoughtfullness of others and leaves many friends in this community who sincerely mourn her death. She is survived by her husband and two sisters; Mrs. A. Christofferson, of Church street, and one sister in Christiania, Norway. The body was taken to the home of Mrs. A. Christofferson on Church street and arrangements for the funeral will be made later.

De bodde i Punxsutawney, PA, USA. Punxsutawney Directory 1914 - 1920 bodde de i 113 W Mahoning St. sammen med Axel og Mina.

Dåpsnotater (Ektemann) Også kalt Bernt Fjeldhamer.
Faddere: Karen Thoresdatter Langeland. Anne Nilsdatter Døhlen. Jens Olsen. Christian Larsen Langeland. Ole Christophersen Døhlen.

Generelle notater (Ektemann)
Var de i slekt eller bare svoger Aksel samt niese og kone Ragna?

Generelle notater (Hustru)
Fødsel uklar 1859 og 1863

Look what we did find today and traveling together from Christiania/Oslo Norway in 1902:
28.02.1902 Ragna Kristoffers. married k female 35 years old born 1867 live in Amerika Pensylvanien ship Rasch Angelo 141 She is Amerikanerinde

Emigrated to USA 28.02.1902 Olaf Martins. Haug unmarried steam engine man fyrbøder male 25 years old then born 1877 born at Ullensaker county Norway (Amerika) destinaton Pensylvanien ship Rasch Angelo 141 prepaid ticket /Fripas

And he is 54 in 1930 = 1876. 25 in 1902 = f. in 1877 They new each other before he married her sister Mina.

Ragna did travel a lot:

Here in 1899 she gets another Martinsen.
Den gutten, Olaus Martinsen skal er registrert på Ellis sammen med Ragna - hun skal hjem til husbonden sin.. og olaus (reg. Claus) skal til uncle Christophersen! Hvem er Olaus Martinsen? Han forresten fra Ullensaker og?

Searches that have lasted for 50 years.

Hans Pedersen Holt - Bernt Kristoffersen - Anker Ljungren


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Searches that have lasted for 50 years.
Hans Pedersen Holt
Bernt Kristoffersen
Anker Ljungren

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