Here I am at the helm of
Christian Radich on a cruise in the Oslo fjord. The uniform was borrowed from my brother in law that was a real first mate.
My dream is to take the same trip as the emigrants did to Australia, and do it on a ship. In 1984 I did fulfill my dream to go around the world, and by the help of Pan Am I did so in 50 days.
Cousins in Arms
New page about The Murray Brother's cousin:
David Theodore Dobie
Read more.....


Take a look at one of my brick walls in USA
and Canada. You can also look at the passenger list to
New York 1888. Searches that have lasted for 50 years.
Hans Pedersen Holt
Bernt Kristoffersen and new family in USA
Anker Ljungren
New certificates for "sale" take a look
They my help you in your search.
Help for others, searching in Norway.

KildeRegistrering (source registration) , DIS Oslo/Akershus
New web address for KROA and Census 1923 Kristiania and Aker (Oslo): https://kraft1923.slektogdata.no/ Page for members.
Died in Eidsvoll 1815 to 1865, 5700 persons by KROA.
Do you want help to search for your roots in
Scandinavians and Germans traveled
to far away places.
Emigrant Ship's Ship list 1869 - 1899
The Solem and Swiggum ship index
Fantastic page about immigrant ships.
Our roots.
To year 1520
The Enger Farm.
of my ggg-grandfather 1700+.
Read his letter to the King.
He had to go to court, to get his farm back.

Emigration from Ullensaker, by surname list
over Christiania (OSLO) harbor.
Emigration from Ullensaker, by surname list
over Bergen harbor.
Over 1800 person's in the period from
1869 to 1899.
Church book, birth
of my grandmother
in 1892 |
Emigration from Norway through Denmark,
by surname list
800 person's in the period from
1869 to 1910
By the help of Danish Emigration Archives.
Relatives wanted!!!
Norway Sweden
Denmark Germany
USA Canada
New Zealand
Scotland |
In honor of The Murray pilot's,
and their story.
About the DFC medal.
My wife's uncles where both pilots in
RAF during WW2.
Books about genealogy and Scandinavians
Australia and New Zealand, Canada,
Denmark, England, Norway and
The Royal Air Force |
About RAF Squadron No. 26
About RAF Squadron No. 15
A tragic day for 26 sqn
And see if you can help us

Our family immigrate and emigrate to and from
Norway her you have a list of 120 persons,
that did by last name or country.

Click on the advertisement.

500 Norwegians traveled to Canada
Microfilm C-7846 gives a record of the event
organized by Canadian Pacific Railway. 56 came from Toten
Passenger list, of 399passengers.
Lammershagen from Hamburg to Australia by contract.
Passenger list. Lammershagen
Surnames A to Å….
See what the press in Queensland had to say about the conditions
on board the emigrant ship Lammershagen. The agent Blickfeldt & Co had this ad in the newspaper Aftenposten, Christiania (now Oslo) Norway, September 1872. The ship had
212 Scandinavians on board. |
The Lammershagen was built in Scotland in 1869.
It was wrecked on 19 November 1882 of the Welsh Coast near Swansea without loss of life. While the ship was being pounded to pieces by the waves, an artist painted the scene with people carrying away goods that had been washed up on the beach.
Hamburg - New Zealand in 1875
The Stoermann - Støhrmann - Størmann
300 names.
Register now.
My research, surname list containing
1500 persons.
A - Å…
I had luck and good help at the national archive i Bergen and found the passport for
Hans Hendrick Støhrmann from 1840
Read more..
Norwegian Sailing's greatest triumph.
The Olympic Games
1920 Antwerpen /Ostende, Belgium
Questionnaire about genealogy.
in Norwegian.
in English.
Prototype to use to collect info.
Cadwallader Colden 1688-1776
Take a look at these fantastic books, and the
exceptional collection of letters..
He was married to Alice Chrystie, sister of Andrew Chrystie
in Moss
and David Chrystie in Brevik, Norway..
The Chrystie estate
At the Norwegian Folklore Museum.
Take a look now.
My genealogy
links out in the world... |
Digital archive in Bergen, heaven for genealogy.
Census, church books, emigration etc.
and it is free of charge.
Census for 1801-1865-1910 1920
Census for all of Norway year 1801-1865-1900.
Write in my guest-book. Now!
Take your time, maybe others will response to your posting. 300 postings of people looking for help.
Here you can go to the old entry's
1996 to 1998
1999 to 2000
2001 ,2003
og 2004
To Martin Eidhammer's
English - Norwegian
translation page.
Slekt og Data, former DIS Norge. DIS,
Computers in Genealogy
Association of Norway
Genealogy links.
Ged-com files that have about 500.000 persons,
and who researching what.
To get full access you have to be member of DIS .
Slekt og Data Oslo and Akershus.
DIS, Computers in Genealogy
Association of Oslo and Akershus.
Links to written articles in Disputten
With special thanks to
Bjørg Holum
Hans Henrik Stoermann-Næss
Priscilla Sorknes
Bjørn-Arild Woll
for inspiration and material.
The genealogy software I use. You can also download a demo. Read more....
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Copyright (C) Vidar Holum.
Updated 01. august 2009