From David Chrystie, Junior, to his sister, Mrs. Cadwallader Colden 1 KELSO Febry 16 th 1717 Lo: Sister I observe in my fathers letter that he gives my Brother accompt that I am to be maried and condescends on my Mistress' portion which I have never inquired after my self she being, as I wrott in my last, a handsom pleasent, and virteous young lady which is by me more esteemed than her portion. The reason of my Fathers condescending upon it, is by hearing me say that her Father is valued to be a man of 4000 Lb. stock and upwards and having only one son and two daughters (whereof she is the Eldest) therefore by the laws of the Nation the estate is divided into four equal parts, being 2/4ths to the son (who is a child) and 1/4th to each daughter. The eldest (who is my present Mistress) being eighteen years old and the other 7 or eight years; I think 1 told you of all this in my last from London, and that her name is Karen Vinter, however I have reason to think that it is Misearied; I have no thought of marying in haste (although we are all aggreed on the matter) before some of thir troublesom times are over; This week James and I was about the Country seeing friends, and was Wednesday night at your Father in law's where we CADWALLADER COLDEN PAPERS 33 found them all in good heaJth, they likewise were writing to you. we went from thence to Murice where we stayed two nights, and I left Jamie who is to preach there toe morrow. on Munday or tuesday next I design again to Edr where all friends were well and gave their service to you. I take no rest to myself but makes now all the Correspondents I can which was likewise my business at London, not knowing qn I may be in this country again; I am just now come home and a litle weary w' the badness of this days weather but the opportunity I had of writing to you revived me a litle especially when our distance from one anoyll is so great and like to be greater, and the only pleasure we can now have is by often exchanging of letters I need now make no furder apologie for my blotts: Wishing you, my Brother and litle Nephew health and hapiness I am Yo: L: B: DAVID CHRYSTIE
My business at Melross (or as I called it Murice) was to see Mrs Auchinleck and her two daughters who are dwelling there From Mrs. David Chrystie, to her daughter,
[February 16, 1717] dar Alsie I have nothing to writ to you but my blising to your hosband my dar litle grand cheild and over and over agen to your self so 1 bid adou and rest your loving mother ALISON HAMILTONE 1 Written on the same sheet as her husband's or brother's letter to Cadwallader Colden, dated Februa 16, 1717, above.
PORSGROUND1 July 9th 1723 Dear Broyr and Sister Out of sight out of mind. I am readie to think you have quite forgott me. I can impute it to nothing else, being persuaded you need not be asham'd of me, for I am no discredit to any of my friends; 1 should almost be loath to exchange w' one of 400 pr annum, it is true I must live accordingly by keeping my horse and Chese and a see' to wait on it when 1 goe Abroad, besides a Clark 1Porsgrund, on the River Skien, in southern Norway. 86 CADWALLADER COLDEN PAPERS to attend my books for whom I give 14 ? sterl: pr Annum and a Sertl to attend my Daill Yard and oyr Goods here in Porsground whom I also give Same wages, and 2 prentices besides these. There is but two more reekon'd equall to me in business in this River And if it please God to spare me and to Bless me as hitherto I hope to outdoe them both as alreadie all the oyrs in the river. You must not beleeve that it is of vanity or Pride that I gave you this accompt of my self. It is only acknowledging of Gods favours towards me in giving accompt of my Advancement and hapiness to my friends who I hope will rejoice wt me I never as yet have had one farthing from my wifes father furder than a litle plenishing 1 got along w' her to the value of about 50 Lb sterl: My riches and hapiness is alone owing to God Almighty, And my own fair Dealings And industry, (I speak of fair Deallings becaus the factors that are here and were before me, are known by all, to be rogues and tricksters); I live as hapily a& ever friends could wish me or I desire. 1 have a pleasing and oblidging wife, and pleasent and thriving children viz: David, Hans, Alison and James, the last of which my wife nursed and waind him about 10 weeks ago. we are as yet not certain of [one word torn] in the Creels; Pray let me h[ear] from you by a letter [bottom of page torn away] London, please follow the Direction of Broyr And- by recommending my letter to the Care of Mr John Theed Timber Meel in Waping London. Now that God Almighty may ever Bless you and preserve you and Your Children is the earnest prayer of
DAVID CHRYSTIE [Indorsed:] R-d Octr 28 1723 [answered] Novr 25 by Mr Colden From David Chrystie. BREVIEG Septr 5tr, 1725 N: S: Dear Broyr And Sister Yours of Decr 30th 1724 to Broyr And, and Self came to hand June 13th last, which was very Acceptable but I must Assure you, it toucht me to the heaxt when I read my Broyexpression That he was agraid of encroaching too much on my time by writing particularly to me As if I should be so much of a Slave to my business as not to take pleasure in reading letters from my friends You are both of you very farr mistaken if you have that opinion of me for 1 can Assure you no Broyr in the World has a greater and more Sincere affection to his Brethern Sisters and relations than 1 have I shal be very vext if my long letter of Novr 4th 1724 be not arrived wt you, therein I advised you particularly of all my business and if you had received it I Doubt not but should have overcome you both in persuading you in my innoceney of the fault of not having wrott to you of a long time before that It was thourou expectation of the receipt of your answer to that forsd long letter of mine that I have delayed so long to answer Your above mentioned letter If that I thought that forsd letter should be miscaried I would send you A Copy of it but as it was so very long that a Sheet of laxrge post paper had enough adoe w, closs writing to Contain it, 1 am therefore loath to write it out again before am assured You have not received it Thank God my wife and Children are all in good health, my wife was brought to bed on July 28th N. S. 40 minutes past 10 at night of a brave girle called Ambor after My wifes Grandmother, she suckle's her herself On the 20th last month 1 received a letter from my Father dated July 6th 0. S. at that time all friends in Scotland were well: Billie Andw came the Other Day to Visite me he went yesterday 2 miles to the Westwaxd about some business I expect him back this day If he Come before this goe from me, no Doubt he will write a line or two on the Same Sheet of paper Whither you Direct your letters to Mr Midford or Mr 182 THE COLDEN PAPERS-1711-1729. Theed I hope they will be taken care of by any of ym My Cassie Remembers you both wt great affection As you may be assured does David Chrystie. Dear B: and Sis: Your most affectionat Broyr and humble Servt |
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