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USA wanted.

The mystery of my great grandfather:

Bernt Cornelius Kristofersen (Christofersen) born at Fjellhamar, Ullensaker 31.03.1854  (in Akershus Norway).

I' am looking for records of their movement in USA an their family.

From Bergen to USA?.

Dorothea Catharina Beyer Danielsen(01.06.1854 - [Chicago] ?)

After the first husband died she went to Chicago. Who did she meet.
Did she know her cousin Ingolf Daae (b. 04.02.1866) that lived in Chicago.

First marriage in Norway, to ? Sivertsen : 1. Gerhard Martin Seversen, b. 09.01.1875.- 2. ? 18 - ?

Second Marriage in USA, [N.N.]: 3. Orlanda, m. to Lindstrøm 18?? 4. John Theodor 18 - ? 5. ? 18 - ? 6. [N.N.]: m. to Carlsen 18 - ? 7. ? ca. 1891 - ?

1. Gerhard Martin (f. 09.01.1875) children: 1. Evelyn Seversen (b. ca. 1910) Little Rock, Arkansas. Was advertising for relatives in Bergens Tidende Norway 30.05.1964. 2. son?
Theodor emigrated to Australia? 3. Orlanda Lindstrøm?

Need to get a contact in Little Rock, Arkansas.

The family history says he was police in Minneapolis or Chicago.

Wanted Hans Pedersen Holt.

Hans Pedersen Holt born 12/2-1861 Ullensaker, Romerike Norway
Bapt. Ullensaker church 17/8-1862.
Parents was Peder Hansen Holt b 1817 and  Anne Andreasdatter  b 1819.

hasbapt.jpg (33510 bytes)

Chuchbook Ullensaker 1862.

H. Pedersen Art. Sergeant, Akersgaden 39 Bd 2 Christiania Adressbook 1887

363.209 Constabelroll IV:Hans Pedersen Holth b  12.2.1862 in Ullensaker. Former profession: Artillerist.
Reg. as employed first as  constable no. 199 the 11.5.1887 Then on 20.7.87 quitted as temporary employed.
Employed again, constable no. 207 the 1.8.1887. Then on  14.8.87 quitted as temporary employed.
Employed again as constable no. 102 the 1.10.1887  Quitted 8.5.88.

Click her to look at the ships... Ad. from Aftenposten 30 may 1888.

Police in Kristiania (Oslo) Norway ca. 1880- 1888. Immigrated to USA 2 June 1888 arrived approx. 15 to 25  June 1888.?
Ticket issued 1 June 1888. Agent was Sotaaen. Ship was Angelo.
Destination was Minneapolis. Price on ticket NOK. 180. Police in Minneapolis or Chicago as long as he lived.?
Any clue?

Her you see a part of the Norwegian emigrant protocol 1888.

See the red dot?

If you will see the whole page click her.

Tror dere dette er riktig skip?
Think this the correct ship.

Som kan ha gått i emigrasjons fart mellom Oslo (Kristiania) og Hull England, eller Amerika.

Kilde Malmstein-registret: Sjøfartsmuseet Bygdø.

Angelo ex. italiensk Manin, Norsk Eier: Andr. Buch 1901-03 (skib A/s Angelo) Stavanger 1901-1915 The. S Falch 1903-15 (skib A/s Angelo) Skien 1915 Emil Harstad 1916 Holmestrand 1916 Solgt til Stockholm 1916 for kr. 100.000 Skipsførere: J. O. Thynes 1901-03 O. R. Sunde 1903-12 A. O. Andersen 1912-13 A. Andersen 1913-14 Nic. Abrahmsen 1916 Fart Pitchpine-fart South Africa og emmigranter? Bark i tre byggeår 1882 Koneliauquae, New Brunswick Canada. Verft: Geo. Mc Lead Tonnasje: 1001 Brt. 917 Netto Mål: 184,8 - 36,2 - 20,1

Dette er nok feil skip, jeg leter etter et dampskip ikke seilskip.

At the end of 1998 I think I a found a lead.
By the help of the LDS Familycenter in Oslo I ordered this film from The National Archives of the USA, Washington.
I got 2 films containing two hole months after departure Oslo to be on the safe side, an there I think I found the right
Hans Pedersen.

natarc.jpg (14098 bytes)

circassia2.jpg (4655 bytes)

SS. Circassia arrived New York
June 19. 1888

Hans departure Christiania (Oslo)
June 2 1888

That means 17 days on the trip.

circassia.jpg (54555 bytes)

National Archives of USA, Washington, Microfilm Publications. Film contain passenger lists for District of The city of New York. Port of New York.
Passenger list of vessels arriving 1820 - 1897. Microcopy no 237, roll 521, Jun 5 - 20 1888.
List nos. 753 - 832. Washington 1958. No on box M- 15508 1027757 (Mormon film no 75582)
Passenger list nr 829 SS Circassia, Master Arch Campbell arrived Port of New York 19 June 1888 had 615 passengers from Glascow and Mouvill.

Hans Pedersen was pass. no 497 on no. 6 steerage.
Departure on  St. Olav 2/ 6 to Hull 4 days Hull - Glascow 2 days Gkascow - Usa 11 days.

This is as far as I have got, I have not found him in USA.

What did they do when they got ashore, was it a passport control, that I can check?

Here you see a couple of wrong death certificates I ordered:

holt1.jpg (69255 bytes)

holt2.jpg (40652 bytes)

Lost in the San Francisco earthquake?

Tande, Rønnaug Beate

Surname:	Tande
First name:   	Rønnaug Beate
Born:      	18.09.1862
Born at:    	Lillehammer, Hedemark
Died:       	1906
D. place:    	San Francisco, Usa

Name:      	Tande, Johan
Born:     	11.08.1833
Died:    	02.10.1872

Name:       	Hovelsdatter, Dorte Tande
Born:        	14.06.1831
Died:      	08.06.1922

According to Torkell Tande:
She died in San Francisco earthquake 1905-6 i San Francisco,
after that we have found no trace of her.

Her son also emigrated to Usa:
Tande, Ole

Name:		Ole Tande
Born:		1882?
Died place:    	Townsend U S A

Torkell Tande told me:
After Ole concluded his business school.
He went into the assurance business in Norway and was fooled by his partner.
He met a man from Voss, Mr. Eielsen and they emigrated to America, 
to his mother. If they made contact I do not know.
He was sheep farmer in Montana.

Send me a mail if you recognize any of this.

Table of Contents:
Relatives wanted!!! Norge
Relatives wanted!!! Sverige
Relatives wanted!!! Danmark
Relatives wanted!!! Germany
Relatives wanted!!! England
Relatives wanted!!! USA
Relatives wanted!!! Canada
Relatives wanted!!! Australia
Relatives wanted!!! New Zealand
Relatives wanted!!! Scotland

Searches that have lasted for 50 years.
Hans Pedersen Holt
Bernt Kristoffersen
Anker Ljungren

Help for others, searching in Norway.

Literature and books about genealogy and Scandinavians in:
Australia and New Zealand, Canada,Denmark, England, Norway
and The Royal Air Force

New certificates for "sale" take a look. They my help you in your search.

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