Page 2-4 vol. 8
From James Chrystie to his prospective brother-in-law,
Cadwallader Colden
LONDON, October 4th 1715 D. B. C.
Yours dated Septr 25 th received last night, and tho' I had gott no letter from you, I was resolved to write by this Post. I had called several times att the Pensyslvania, Coffee house since you went from this, and on friday last I found a letter there for you from Lisbon, wc I carried presently to Mr Milln, 1 who upon looking to your instructions found that you had directed him to break open yor let s from Lisbon, & answer them &c: He read the letter, and desired me to acquaint you when I wrote, y t your correspondent in Lisbon has sent no bills by this letter,
1David Milne.
but promises to remitt you some by the next mail, for part of your wheat that is sold, and as soon as he does so Mr Mill will advise you.
As for my Brothers affair, it's like to be very tedious. The answer The Lords of Admiralty gav to his Petition, was that they had orderd The Sessions to hold as soon as they could wt any conveniency, and that his bussiness was appointed to be tryed then. But The Judge Admirall had adjourned the Sessions to the 24 th of this month, without advising wt the Solicitor to the Admiralty, who would readily have prevented it and gott our Bussiness brought on sooner. And tho' this be a long day to me upon many accounts, yet if it could be done then I should be somewhat easy, but I perceiv our aflair must yet be delayed a little further, for writts, must be issued out for calling a Jury &c: 15 days before the Tryall, and this cannot be done till the Sessions do actually meet and Order these Writts, So that I'm affraid our bussiness cannot be done till the 8 of November att Soonest. however I'm doing all I can to gain these 15 days but I'm affraid it will not do. I have as yet gott no letter from my father or Sister since I came hither I have writt to them thrice, & I do not intend to write again till I have one from them; If you have occasion you may communicate this I have wrote about Johnies bussiness to them; however it's probable I may have a le r from them by the first or 2 nd post, & as soon as 1 receive it I shall write to them.
As for news I can write none to you. The material news that we are all here every day most a gaping for, are those from Scotland, 1 & our accounts from thence are very uncertain; It's talkt this day in towne that Sir Windham 2 has Surrendred himself (I suppose you know there was a proclame n for apprehending him, & a reward of 1000 Lb. promised) It's talkt likewise the Bishop of Rochester 3 is taken into Custody, and some say Dr
1Because of the beginning of the Jacobite uprising of 1715.
2 Sir Williarn Wyndharn (1687-1740).
3 Francis Atterbury (1662-1732).
Sacheverell.1 When you wish, fail not to send me what you can about the Afrairs in our North country.
Mrs Stack-house and her daughters give their service to you I would desire mine to be given heartily to your father & mother if 1 durst avow my being here. This is all from
Yours as formerly
J C.
[Addressed:] To Mr Cadwallader Colden
att Oxnam near Jedbrugh
To the care of the Post-master
of Berwick upon Tweed.
[Postmarked:] 4 OC 6
From James Chrystie to his sister, Mrs. Cadwallader Colden
Simprin January 10 1724
Dear Sister,
I had my Brothers letter Dated Octr 26 upon the 19th of the last month, on which you also write a few lines, and Wr you write to Davie, and he to Andrew, upon the same sheet. I shall be sure to transmitt that letter to Norway by the first Ship that goes from Berwick to Norway. I'm very much concerned that the letters I write to you, are so many of them miscarried. It Surprized me to see by your letter that you had not received one from me the last year. You may be allways assured of that, that if you receive not two letters from me in the year, at the least, it is not because I have neglected to write, but because the letters are miscarried. I wrote to you on the 14 of February last, & gave you an account of my receiving yours Dated the 4 of October preceeding. 1 wrote also a long letter to you on the 6th of September last, and gave you an account of my receiving yours of the third of July preceeding. I'm still hopefull that that letter has come to your hand before this time, and that Since it did not come to you by the Beaver, It would come by the Sunderland. I cannot imagine what Should make my letters to you miscarry, when all that my Father writes go Safe to your hand. I Direct them in the saine manner to be left at the Sun Coffee house &c: and for the greater Security I putt them into the post house in Berwick with my own hand, paying the postage to London. In that letter I wrote to you on the 6th of SepC I gave you a full account of the affair of your Brother James's Settlement at Whittsom and that he was to be ordained there on the 10 of that month. I acquainted you also of the birth of our little Katie, whereof I observe by yours, that you have been informed by another hand. 1 therein also told you that my Lo: Duke of Roxburgh had given me a Presentation to the Church of Morbattle. As to that matter it is still in
dependance. All the Heretors of that parish have declared their Concurrence with the presentation except Clifton & another little Heritor, who do not oppose it. And the prie of Kelso are all unanimously & most heartily for my Settlement amongst them; but the people have been bred up by Mas John Simpson in a Squeamish disposition, and have no inclination to comply with a Settlemt of a Minr among them who is qualifyed to the Govermt, because their own Mas John had refused the oath. This especially makes them stand out; but it's hoped by the pr` and others that These people will come to another disposition after they have gott leave to think a while. As for my part, I am intirely easy about the Success of that affair, and perfectly content in my agreeable little retreat; tho' It's very likely that in the event I shall not gett my Complyance with that Settlement declined. I was so perfectly cured of my ague when 1 wrote last, that I forgott (I believe) to tell you I had had one, but it seems my father has been very particular in giving you account both of my malady, & my cure; which has given Cad an occasion of bantering me about my old Wife's plaister. But 1 fancy whatever my Father has told you about that, he has not told You, that I my Self was clear for using the Jesuits bark, and that he plainly declared his mind that 1 Should not meddle with it; and that he Sent me out Lady Henriett Scotts plaister and advised me to use it and forbear the powders. So purely in complyance with his desire, & to gratify him, I applyed the plaister, and made an experiment of the Success of it, for a fortnight. I knew the worst would be that I should keep my ague for a fortnight longer; and if in that time it was not removed, then I was resolved to use the powders, which accordingly I did, and found it a present and Safe remedy, for I have never Since had the least indisposition either aguish or any other. 1 did not at all expect any benefitt by the plaister but used it only (as I say) to gratify my Father. And as I have always had a great Opinion of the bark, as a
Safe & certain medecine, so I'm confirmed in it now by a Second experience of it upon my own person.
I wrote to my Brother in Septr That there was one Robert Ridpath son to Robert Ridpath in Greenlaw, (who is a good honest man of my acquaintance) that had left this country Some 4 or 5 years ago, in a little discontent; His father & mother had never heard from him since, Only they had some imperfect account, that one of that name was a Factor over Some gatherers of Gold dust in New England. If my Brother by any Correspondents of his could be informed of him, from these parts, so as to give me an account; It would be a very Oblidging & Charitable action to the Father & mother; who are in very great concern about their only Son.
I was in Kelso about 10 days ago, and had occasion to Meett with your old Comrad Ann Jamison. She was married more than two years ago to George Home 1 a third son of Wedderburn. He went abroad a little after their marriage Supercargo in a Ship from Glasgow, bound for Virginia; and she has never heard any thing about him since. She heard the Ship was cast away, but that the crew were all Saved. She gives her most humble Service to you, and beggs you'l be so kind as to inform your Self, if possibly you can gett intelligence of her husband from Virginia. I expected to have been at Kelso again & to converse with her further about the particulars in this matter, before I should write to you but I have not yet gott that done, & I am loth to delay my writeing longer least I may lose the opportunity of the Ships going from London to N. York at this Season. If you can do Ann any service in this matter, I make no question but you will to the outmost of your power.
My Sarah, and the two Children axe in perfect Good health (blessed be God). She is now Suckling Katie, who thrives extraordinary well, and is a very pleasant
1For an account of George Home (Hume) and his family, see "A Colonial Scottish Jacobite Family-Establishment in Virginia of a Branch of the Humes of Wedderburn," by Edgar Erskine Hume, U. S. A, first published in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, XXXVIII (1930), and subsequently printed in book form.
Child. Davie is one of the most Diverting little fellows that ever I knew of his age; he beginns to walk alone, & to gett Some Words; he understands every thing we Speak to him, & can make known his mind either by Words or Signs. I have asked him Just now what he has to say to his Uncle & Aunt in N: York; he has bid me give his humble duty with all the Complaisance he is able to express. He has been giving me Just now such an amusing diversion with his understanding musick, that I believe you'l excuse me if I entertain you with it. He has let me know that he can perfectly distinguish above a dozen of Scots tunes, when they are Sung to him or played upon an Instrument. So as to be able without the least mistake to let me know how the air is called, either by giving me one of the most remarkable words of the Song that is Sung to that air, or else by Showing Some Significant action, that the words of the Song express. Which I Must Say is the most Singular excellency of an ear that ever I heard discovered by a boy of his age. he has done this at 18 months old. I know you are very fond of your own Children we makes me think my being So particular about little Davie will not be disagreeable to you. I must Say 1 have the greatest Satisfaction in my little family that possibly any thing of that nature can afford. I am extremely delighted to hear from you the particular account of your Children. I pary the Lord may preserve them to you and eminently bless them. I was very well pleased you may be Sure to See Sandie's performances in writeing. Pray make my humble Service acceptable to him, & little Betty. You have said nothing particularly of little Cad, Since you told us of his Birth, & that you were giving him Suck. Davie and his family were very well when 1 heard last from him, 2 or 3 months ago. I suppose you know he has 4 Children, David, Hans, Alison, and Jamie. Andrew was in Brittain Sept' last. he came from Norway to London, & from that to Lynn, & bought 200 Lb Sterl: worth of Some Commodities & returned with them from
that to Norway; he writes to me that he intends to Sett up now for himself & Settle at Christiana. He is a very Diligent industrious fellow, and beginns to thr[ilve very well in the world. I'm affraid you will not find him disposed to make a trip to N: York, as ye propose, for he has now gott into the Norway trade; and I believe, to attempt a trade to your parts of the World would require a greater Stock, than he can yet be master of. Dear Alie, Its the greatest pleasure imaginable to me to hear of your prosperity and wellfare. Pray fail not to write upon all occasions. Assure your Self that in no case am I capable to forgett you. We have reason to admire the Goodness of a kind providence, that every one of our Family is in Such comfortable circumstances, only I can never but regrate the unhappiness, that we who have and always had such an entire and uninterrupted affection for one another should be so far Separate. Remember me most affectionately to my Dear Billie Cad. I hope he'l think this letter the same as if it had been addressed-to him. Sarah remembers you both & the Children with the most Sincere & hearty affection. My Father received your letter, & answered it immediatly. Your Parents at Oxnam also received yours to them. They were in this country about 10 days ago, and carried James to Oxiiam wt them he had gott a little cold, (for want of a Wife I believe) and they took him home with them to recruit a little. May The Lord Bless & preserve you both & your Children. 1 am Dear Alie Your most affectionate Brother and humble Servant
Bailie Cockburn in Cheeklaw was buried on Wednesday, and Patrick Grieve in Dunss was buried yesterday.
I renew what I said before as to your Directing your letters. Direct for me Minr at Simprin to be left with Mr Andrew Home, Chirurgeon in Kelso. I know not if I may be at Morbattle or not, but however it be, that Direction will answer.
[Addressed:] To Mr Cadwallader Colden Doctor of Medicine at New York America
To be left at The Sun-Coffee-house
Behind The Royal Exchange
Post paid to London 4d
[Postmarked:] 20 PD
[Indorsed by Cadwallader Colden: ] Red May 3 1724
All the 9 by my self
From Rev. James Chrystie to his sister,
Mrs. Cadwallader Colden
MORBATTLE September lst 1738
Dear Sister,
[Torn] [a]cceptable letter Dated Coldenghame May 5th came hither [torn] the 20th of July, when [torn] I were at Norw-[torn] complaints for my [torn] 1 assure you, that [torn] tenderness of a [torn] dear Brother [torn] expressed & I [torn]-ave ever r-[torn] him or you [torn]-swered [tornl-r in the Spri-ltorn] last 1 [torn] Cad, was dated the [torn] This [torn] of February [torn] gave [torn] of my Father [torn] that [torn]-ingly Weak, & [torn] He's continued in [torn] 19 of [torn] If pleased God to [torn] dyed w-[tornl-ss, but had been for [torn] his death [torn] was constantly confined to [torn] frequently [torn]-at a latin verse to this Import-1 am tired of this present [li]fe, desiring to be dissolved & to be with Christ when Christ shall sweetly call me to die. You may be sure I would presently have advised you of his Death, but after the end of Aprile, I had no expectation of an Opportunity of sending a letter to you, till now. You'l be surprized no doubt to hear that my Wife and I have been at Norway. You must know, that it has been my purpose for many years, that some time or other in my life I would see my Brothers & their families in Norway; And I found this Summer as convenient for that, as any time I could expect. I told you in my last that I had been severely distressed with an Ague since the end of June last year, & that this issued in a greivous asthmatick trouble; I said then that I was much better but these troubles returned & have been about me ever since: 1 was advised to forbear preaching for some time, & the Brethren of my presbyterie were so kind as to undertake for 4 moneths supply of my Kirk, whereupon I thought 1 would try how a sea voyage & change of air would do with me; my wife & I therefore embarqued for Norway
in a Berwick Ship on the 26th of June last, & arrived at MY Br Andrew's house in Moss in 7 days. All the time I was on board I had no asthmatick trouble, but at Land my trouble again returned. And when I was there I tryed once & again a short voyage of 10 or 12 miles, & still 1 found that upon water 1 had no asthma but upon Land it returned again as formerly. This Made me take the opportunity of a Ship my Br had load for Lieth where we arrived on Saturday the 12th of August; being 14 days in our passage homeward through contrary winds. I chused the rather to return to Lieth, that 1 might take the opportunity of consu[lting] Physicians at Edinburgh about my health which I ha-[torn] through Divine Goodness) to [torn] good purpose; [torn] -ctor Stevenson there a [torn] great Re-[torn] -erience, who was [torn] studying [torn] by my following [torn] which I have now done this fortnight, ever since my return from Edinburgh. I find (Blessed be God) a very great change in my state of health; for my asthmatick trouble is very much abated & the swelling in my legs, which The Doctor thought threatned an hydropsie, is now almost entirely dis[illegible] -ussed. So that I'm hopefull I'm in a better way for health, then I have been for these 12 moneths passed.
But to return to [torn] Norway. We went to [Bre]vieg for a Week, whie[h] [torn] -les by Land & 12 Mile[s] [torn] from Moss. We found Sister [torn] Children very w-[torn] son David was [torn] for the Sea. It [torn] two fine, [torn] -en & carrying [torn] piness, under [torn] -etion of Mr B- [torn] -ir fathers Pptorn] 13 years. [torn] -dinary kind, [torn] -sire, My D- [torn] was with us; [torn] -1y, My Boy [torn] -ade one of the [torn] saw in Nor- [torn] tell you that [torn] Daughter to [torn] Andrew's house [torn] a fine wise [torn] [t]emperd Girl. I know [torn] stock, but I [torn] no Complaints, & I hope [torn] very good Circumstan[ce] only they told me that trade is at [torn] -ry dead.
Andrew seems at presen[t] to have a very good trade having loaded this Season in conjunction with his partner 14 Ships before we left him. He is industrious & Indefatigable at Bussiness, and lives as handsomely & in as good Credit and esteem as any in the place. We found my Sister May lying in childbed of her third Daughter, whom she is now giveing suck to she has 3 as fine children as ever I did behold. Our Davie thrives very well at Norway, and gives his Uncle & Aunt very great Satisfaction and content. 1m very hopefull he'l bring something to pass to good purpose. We gave Andrew and May the very greatest pleasure imaginable by our visite, only it had one Alloy that we were obliged on account of my health to make it shorter than either they expected or we intended, having been in their house only Just 3 weeks. Andrew has bought a little pleasant farm, within the view of his own house, to which he can sail in his boat, walk on foot, or drive in his Chaise in 10 minutes; It is a charming Spott, of exceeding sweet situation, and will (I believe) be very advantageous to him for his conveniency of living; He keeps 4 cows upon it, 2 horses & about 20 sheep, & has abundance of Hay for them, and some corn now, but will have more afterwards. His Son is at home with him, of about 10 or 11 year old, abundantly promising & his Daughter is Still at Berwick, carrying on her Education to very good purpose.
When I came to Edinburgh, from my travels, the first news I mett with was the melancholly account [of] the Death of my dear & worthy friend your Father in Law.1 I had 1[eft him iln his Ordinary: having visited him the immediate [torn] Journey for Norway. No [dolubt James Your Brother [torn] an account of Mr Col[torn] -ere now, if it has [torn] have not yet [torn] came home; but h- [torn] house next w- [torn] to go in to that [torn]
The account you have written to us of the marriage of your Daughter Betty has given us a great deal of
1 Rev. Alexander Colden died June 29-1738.
Pleasure, as I observe the marriage is so much to my Brothers satisfaction and yours. I have ever had the greatest opinion of Betty from the character 1 have gott of her. My wife and I most heartily Join in wishing you great Joy of your Son in Law and in offering our most affectionate respects to Mr De Lancy & her. May Their marriage prove a happiness to them, & they [torn] Blessing & comfort to each other, & to their Father and you. [torn] kindly salute your son Alexander and all the rest [torn] and much rejoice to [torn] they all prove [torn] & so great comf- [torn] long hav- [torn] -uch agreeable [torn] pleasure to S- [torn] and his [torn] Mother that [torn] -ference [torn] they came to [torn] both of [torn] virtuously [torn] has [torn] Dutifull Son [torn] he has [torn] -y that know [torn] of Sister Cassie [torn] must k- [torn] Name is Karen [torn] she aliv- [torn] -ssie is but the abb- [torn] she call s- [torn] -id Chrysties; It is no- [torn] Chrystie [torn] you Direct to her [torn] you may [torn] Mn Karen Chrystie Relict of David Chrystie late M[erelhant in Brevieg Norway.
Our 7 Bairns that we left behind us, were all of them in very good health during our absence, but upon our coming home Katie & Alie were both of them seized with a fever, which has been very severe upon them especially upon Alie, who is scarce well out of it yet, but it is much abated in them both, and we hope they are in a good way of Recovery. Blessed be God. The rest of the Bairns are all very well
We most affectionately salute my Brother and you, And wish you & yours all Happiness, Temporal and Eternal, and may you believe me ever to be Dear Sister
Your most affectionate Brother & humble servt
P. S. When I was at Norway I saw a letter to Andrew from my Br Cad, or you, Dated about the 5th of May last.
From Andrew Chrystie to his brother-in-law and sister,
Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader Colden
Dear Brother & Sister Moss 1 Apr 28th 17[44]
The last I have had from you [is of] Date NOVr 25h 1742 which arrived by post from London the 31 of January last year. You therein mention ye Receipt of mi[ne] of April loth 1742. 1 wrote a Coppy thereof with
1 In southern Norway.
some litt[le] addition of July 21th sent by a Vessel to Glascow, and anot[her] with an addition of Septr 151 Sent by a Vessel to Plymouth. I find 1 have not wrote you all last year, partly occasio[ned] by a very throng Shipping, when the most proper [time to write] and partly that among y' many Ships We had there was none Directly from London whereby I Could Sent a Letter to t[hel Sun Coffee house, however as I can not wholly be Excused, I beg pardon, and Shal for ye future Endeavor to Make Ame[nds] The Acelt You give of Your family is very agreable. Wlel Congratulate Your Son Alexander and wish him all [the] pleasure & Content in his Beloved wife that a Marri[ed] State Can afford. I know not if you have heard of the Death of Our Sister Sarah 1 at Dunbar the 4th of Nov. 1742. The 7 Children are Early Deprived of their Parent[s] We have had no Letter from them these Several Mo[nths] By ye Last we had from Kattie & Alie they were Doi[ng] Pretty well in ye Shop Business, and ye Younger Ones advancing in their School, and yt Mrs Wood had taken Cassie to her who for Some time has been a widow. David has been W' Us these 3 Years and Some Month[s] he is just goeing to Sail for Waterford in Ireland to Sell [a] Cargoe of Deals for Us of a Ship we have fraight[ed] and as I have Little Business for him now, he will [be] tryeing to Do Some where for himself and Pro [bably] not return.
Our family are in perfect health. My wife Encreased it by a Son on ye 28th of Dee last who is Called after Me Andrew, a brave thriving Boy under so good a Nurse as My wife. My Eldest Daughter is now very Usefull in way of housekeeping, and My Son David Who Came home in October 1742 is very Usefull in My Business, is My present Malster, and by his Direction I Can Carry on my Malting without any other Malt man. That affair will I hope now Answer Pretty well as there is lately a great Duty Laid on English Corns, And the French war being now proclaimed [with] England, will Stop much of the English trade, and [con]sequently yo Import of
1 Mrs. James Chrystie.
Malt will be Smal, and as we [exlpect few Ships from England, we must fraight Norway ones and Send our Goods over.
We have bought 2/3 pt. of a pretty Large Ship of about 250 Ton, for 4000 DIrs or 800 ? which we Expect dayly from Christiansand to ye westward of this, where it was Built, which we'll Employ Constantly in Carrying Our Goods out. Our trade will Suffer much by [the] French War, and it will no Doubt also Affect Your Countrey. Our Sister Cassie at Brevieg was here last Summer with her Daughter Ambor when She took Our Daughter Sarah with her and will not part with her again. She and family axe all well and She Carries on her trade briskly and makes a good hand of it, her Son Hans being now Able to Manage all for her.
Ann her Second Daughter is to be Married to One Ralf Boysan a Merchant in Scheen. Your last letter Considering ye Season of ye year arrived Soon. You seem to fear your letter att that seasone wou'd go by post, & be chargeable. The postage from London is but a trifle. Mr Collet pays Franco [torn] Copenhagen 14 or 15 Pence and from thence we pay [torn] pence. We can have a Letter from London in 16 days and ye Charge being so Smal you may write at any time that Opportunity offers and You May Beleive I give no Money out with more pleasure. Altho I blame My Self for not writing all Last Year You Cant altogether be Excused having wrote you [3] Letters in 1742 and have only had yours above. Remember Us all Kindly to Your Son Alexander [and] Spouse, Daughter De Lancy & family and all ye rest of y', Children. I am Dear Brother & Sister
Your truely Affect: broyr, and humble Servt
P: S David takes this along with him to forward either from Ireland or ye Channel where they put in.
David writes this of my Copy, being throng my self att his going away.
[Addressed: ] To Cadwallader Colden Esq~
Docter of Medicine
In New York
[Indorsed:] R-d Octr 23d 1744
From David Chrystie, son of James Chrystie, to
Mr. and Mrs. Cadwallader Colden 1
CORK July 22th 1744
Dear Uncle and Aunt
By my Uncles on the other Side, You See that I was just Setting out for Waterford, where I arrived about 4 Weeks ago. I there Sold the Loading, and then went for Dublin, from that to this place on Some AfFairs belonging to Messrs Chrystie and Fuglesang, this last being in Company with My Uncle. I return in 2 or 3 Days to Waterford, and the Master I Came over with being bound for France, I have some thoughts of makeing a trip there along with him. By being Master of the Dan[ish language] I Can easily Pass for a Dane, so am under no [appreffiension of either French or Spanish Priva[teers] [torn] in France. I Shall write You from thence per f [irst] Opportunity.
Pleas make my Complements Accepta[ble] [torn] Cousins, and Beleive Me to be Dear Uncle and A[unt]
Your most Aflection[atel Nephew and Very h[torn]
P: S I have heard nothing of a long time from Scotland having left Norway befor the Vessels Arrived from thence. Excuse ye Shortness of this being just Setting out on a Journey to Kinsale
1 Written on the same sheet as Andrew Chrystie's letter above, dated Moss, April 28, 1744.
If you'l favour Me with a Line and Lay it under a Cover to Mr John Collett at London, He Can always forward it to Me, as I shall Take Care to Let him Know whereabouts I am to be found.
1 would be oblidged to You if You would Advise what Encouragement a Young Man that besides Latin and other Languages, Understands Bookkeeping, Arithmetick and writes a good hand, Might Expect in Your part of the World.
Pray be as particular as possible in [one word illegible] of your family.
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