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USA NEXT... to find my roots 18 of April

 Bernt Kristoffersen

Jefferson County

Flere Christofferson familie som dro?
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Searches that have lasted for 50 years.

Anker Ljungren

Hans Pedersen Holt


Finally I did fin his Petition for Naturalization. 8 april 1892.
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The mystery of my great grandfather and his family:

Bernt Cornelius Kristofersen (Christofersen) born at Fjellhamar, Ullensaker 31.03.1854  (in Akershus Norway).
Bernt Kristoffersen, emigration-number.7100091, contract date 27/3-1884, worker 30 years, agent Elster, destination New York, ship Rollo, departure date 28/3-1884, PPD, T. Fasting.

101361 Oslo 1031 1893 Mars 12 Axel Kristoffersen m G Filhugger 26 Kr.a. Punxsulawney 1033 Norge Spd.- Angelo
100808 Oslo 0484 1893 Feb. 18 Wilhelm Kristoffersen m u S�md. 18 Kr.a. Punxstetway 480 Norge. 145.- Angelo

Thanks to a tip from a member of my genealogy club in Norway i found my great grand father in the Jefferson roll 1351 book 2 no 95 and 96 Census 1910. But I only have a tiny microcopy on paper an wanted to see the text . How can a buy a transcript for Benjamin and Ragna Christoferson.

Census 1910 what I have: Pennsylvania - Jefferson - Greater Punxsuatnet Borough - Enumeration District 82 - Sheet Number 11B (image 22/70 hos Ancestry) - 22 Day of April 1910: Steetnam unclear for me: Terrence Street? Axel Christoferson in no 322 and Bennie Christoferson in 326.
At census agent vissit 225 and 226, was vissited right after each other: Axel Christofson was 42 years and married first time for 20 years ago, and wife Mena (Mina) was 40 years. Both first marriage. She had 5 children that all lived. Both borne in Norway by Norwegisan parents.
Later we see tha son Oluf is borne in Pennsylvania. Han was 19 years. Other children Bennie 16, Segrede 13, Joseph 11 and Martha 5. Axel worked as'driller'. Immigraston year is difficult to see here, 1883 or 1893 on both.

The othe family is possybly my great grandfather Bennie Christofson and wife Rena/Rene. Both first marriage and possibly no children in USA. He was 63 and she 1. Both borne in Norway by Norwegisan parents. Immigrationyear looks like the same on both: 18?2 or something? Also Bennie as 'driller'. All adults immigrants is naturalisert.


From Tomdstone Hopping by Patricia Steele []

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Searches that have lasted for 50 years.
Hans Pedersen Holt
Bernt Kristoffersen
Anker Ljungren

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