Cousins in Arms
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As you se I' am in the process of
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for this page about the Murray brothers
andRAF squadron 15 and 26.
Both brothers was my wifes uncles.
Don't hesitate to contact me if you have
some new information.
Angus Murray
Angus born 1919 in Mindrum, Northumberland, England.
Gazetted details for:
Flying officer Angus Murray (118885)
Granted a commission for the emergency as
Pilot Officer on probation in the General Duties Branch
of the Volunteer Reserve 7 Febr. 1942
Flying Officer (War Substantive) 1 Oct. 1942
Killed in flying accident 13 Oct.1942 Angus is buried on Brigg Cemetery. It is on the
road to Grimsby, Plot. C. Grave no. 167.
Tree other men died on that date are also two of them buried at Brigg Cemetery. Two died in the same accident: 1332083.The record also name Sergeant John Denis Lennon Buried in Plot C, Grave 451 in Clacton Cemetery, Essex. 1425232 Aircraftman 2nd Class (Wireless Operator) Harold Traverse, Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, of Crosspool, Sheffield, Yorkshire. Buried Plot B. Grave 90. However one was killed in another accident on the same date: R/92757 Flight Sergeant (Pilot) John Neil Mac Iver, Royal Canadian Air Force, No. 15 (Pilots) Advanced Flying Unit, age 21, of Calgary, Alberta. Killed when Oxford training aircraft crashed at night 5 miles North of RAF Riccall. Buried Plot C. Grave 373.
Dougal Douglas Murray
Dougal born 1916 in Northumberland, England.
Married to actress Felicity Fay Gower Sept. 1938.
The Royal Fusileers of Northumberland, 4th Battalion (Territorial Army) from 1936 to 1942. Lieutenant no. 69288 St. George's Gazette, 30th Nov. 1936, 4th ( T.A. ) Battalion, Newburn Detachment.

DFC was instituted in 1918 for award to officers and warrant officers of the Air Forces and the Fleet Air Arm recommended for an act or acts of valour, courage and devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations against the enemy. Bars are awarded for subsequent acts.
We congratulate Mr. Murray on being gazetted a Second Lieutenant in this Battalion, and welcome him into our midst. St. George's Gazette, 31ts Dec. 1936, 4th ( T.A. ) Battalion.
Major and Mrs. R. Wood, Major and Mrs. F. B. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lisle and Mr. Murray attended the Annual Ball of the 9th Bn. The Durham Light Infantry, on 4th DEC. Newburn Detachment.
On Thursday, 26th Nov. the annual challenge of the Warrant Officers and Sergeants to the Officers, to try their skill against them at various games, was played off at Newburn. The Sergeants showed their superiority upon the billiard table, at darts and in the Miniature Range, while the Officers were the victors at whist.
The following Officers were present: - Col. Hare, Major Wood, Major Clarke, Capt. Seth-Smith, Capt. J. Clark, Capt. Todd, Capt. Forbes Watson, Mr. K.A. Clark, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Hedley, Mr. N.E. Nicholson, Mr. Taylor, Mr. Murray, Capt. Burn and Mr. Capstaff. February, 1937 The following Officers were present:-The Commanding Officer, Major F.B. Clarke, the Adjutant, Mr. J.T. Lisle, Mr. S.A. Johnson, Mr. W. Swann, Mr. G.E. Taylor, Mr. D. Murray, Mr. Courage, Capt. J. Porteous, Mr. R.W. Armstrong(9th D.L.I.), and Dr. Picton. Light Heavy-Weight - 2nd..Lieut. D. Murray ("Z"Coy.). Officers' Heavy-Weight:-2nd-Lieut.
D. Murray lost to Lieut. Mc Laglan (50th Divi. Sigs.) on points. Mr. Murray came up against an Officer who had represented the 50th Division on many occasions, but he fought exceedingly well, and the issue was in the balance throughout the fight - both Officers possessing such excellent guards that it must have been a difficult problem for the referees.
Mr. Murray has been rewarded by being chosen to represent the 50th Division in the Territorial Army Champonships at the Albert Hall, during the week commencing 28th February. We extend to him our heartiest congratulations, and wish him the best of luck. It must be many years since we had an Officer of the Battalion representing the Division in the Territorial Army Championships.
On Sunday, 14th February, the Battalion held an Officers' T.E.W.T., between Hexham and Stagshaw. We were very pleased to see Major-Gen. Herbert, the Divisional Commander, and Col. Schomberg, the Brigade Commander, who were present during the Exercise. The following Officers of the Battalion were present: -The Commanding Officer; Major F.B. Clarke; Major K.A. Seth-Smith; Capt. J. Clark; Capt. J.M. Todd; Capt. J.A. Davison; Capt. K.A. Clark; Mr. J.T. Lisle; Mr. S.A. Johnson; Mr. H.O. Murton; Mr. H.B. Portnell; Mr. N.E. Nicholson; Mr. W. Swann; Mr. G.E. Taylor; Mr. D. Murray; Mr. W. Courage and Mr. J.M. McLennan. Inter-Company Boxing Tournament, "Fryer" Cup: - Middle-Weight (Final): -2nd-Lieut. D. Murray ("Z" Coy.) beat 2nd-Lieut. G.E. Taylor ("Y" Coy.) on points.
March, 1937 Mr. D. Murray, who boxed for the Division at the Royal Albert Hall at the beginning of this month, was beaten in the semi-final of his weight by Mr. Boolsen, of the London Division. It was a fine effort upon Mr. Murray's part to qualify to fight at the Albert Hall, and we hope that next year he will do even better, and that he will win his weight. July, 1937.
In next month's notes we shall have to record the deeds - or misdeeds - of Mr. Murray, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Lukes, who are at present on the Junior Officer's Course at the R.M.C., Camberley. We have no fear about them enjoying themselves. Mr. Taylor, Mr. Murray and Mr. Lukes have returned from the Junior Officers Course at the R.M. College, Camberley. September 1937 The Battalion Golf competition took place at Hexham on Sunday, 19th September, the following past and present Officers of the Battalion being present: -Cols. B. Cruddas, J.R. Robb, A.-B. Hare and R. Wood, Majors W.E. Stephenson, C. Stephenson and K.A. Seth-Smith, Lieut. S. A. Johnson and 2nd-Lieuts. N. E. Nicholson, D. Murray and N.R.T. Johnson.
22nd September 1937 Mr. Murray and Mr. N.R.T. Johnson (at least we think it was N.R.T., but we are not sure) have returned recently from an attachment at the Depot. We wonder if they enjoyed lying on the ground all the morning underneath a Lewis Gun.
February, 1938 Best loser's prize, Sjt. Smiles. W.O. Wright, A.P.T. Staff, from the Depot, was the Referee. Capt. Forbes-Watson and Mr. Murray were Judges. The Commanding Officer, the Adjutant, and Mr. Hedley went to Darlington to follow the fortunes of the Battalion.
Mr. Murray won in the Middle-Weight, Mr. Johnson in the Bantam-Weight. Mr. Murray and Mr. Johnson were selected to represent the Division in London. Unfortunately, for business reasons Mr. Johnson was unable to accept. Sergeant's Mess: The other main topic of news this month has been in the extraordinarily good show put up by Mr. Murray while representing the 50th Division in London in the boxing Championships. In the 1st Fight in the Officers' Middle-weights, Mr. Murray beat Mr. Steadman of the 49th Division. This was acclaimed the best fight of the evening. In the 2nd Fight, Mr. D. Murray beat Mr. Murray (evidently a meeting of the clans) of the London Division, without difficulty. In the Final, Mr. Murray was beaten by Mr. Cowan of the 2nd a.a. Division. This was a tremendously close fight, and Mr. Cowan won by 1 point only. Mr. Murray was beaten by an older and more experienced man.
Next year we hope to see him win the Championship.
Mr. Murray is to fight in the Imperial Services Championships, the preliminary of which is to be fought off at Aldershot on 12th April, and the Finals are to be fought at the Empress Stadium, Earl's Court, on 30th April. We congratulate Mr. Murray on his further success and wish him the best of luck at Aldershot, and later we hope at Earl's Court. 31st January 1939 "Z" Company: Capt. K.A. Clark; Lieut. J.W. Jackson; 2nd-Lieut. D. Murray; 2nd-Lieut. K. Burgess; 2nd-Lieut. J. Pearson; C.S.M. H. Gilholme; C.Q.M.S. R.W. Redhead. Middle-Weight - Officers, Series 1: 2nd-Lieut. Murray (4/R.N.F.) v. 2nd-Lieut. McCoull (6/R.N.F.). 2nd-Lieut. Murray knocked out 2nd-Lieut. McCoul in 30 seconds of fighting. Finals Officers: 2nd-Lieut. Murray met a good boxer in Lieut. Donkin, a Cambridge Blue, and was knocked out in the first round. Mr. Murray took a great deal of punishment in 30 seconds of boxing.
31st March, 1942 - Territorial Army: Royal North'd. Fus.-War Subs. Lieut. D. Murray (69288) relinquishes his commission on appointment to a commission in the R.A.F.V.R. (dated 11th February, 1942).
"Rocked up"
Arnhem sept 1944
Anti-flak attacks covering Airborne Landings.
Gazetted details for: Flying officer Douglas Murray (119128) Granted a commission for the emergency as Pilot Officer on probation in the General Duties Branch (ex Rifle Brigade) of the Volunteer Reserve 26 Febr. 1942 Flying Officer (War Substantive) 1 Oct. 1942 (on probation) Flight Lieutenant (War Substantive) 26 Febr 1944 Acting Squadron Leader 28 March 1945 Last day of service 4 Sept. 1946 Died in a car crash at Wycombe Marsh, High Wycombe, on the London - Oxford road 16 Nov. 1947
Honurs and awards: Distinguished Flying Cross 12 March 1943 The British, Commonwalth & Polish Air Service Personnel Archive: Douglas Murray The citation for Flying Officer Douglas Murray's Distinguished Flying Cross was published in Flight magazine on 15 April 1943: "F/O. D. MURRAY, R.A.F.V.R., No. 26 Sqn. - This officer has displayed the utmost keenness for operational flying and has taken part in many reconnaissance flights. On two occasions the aircraft in which he was flying has been badly damaged by anti-aircraft fire, but each time owing to his resourcefulness and determination he has successfully flown back to this country. In January, 1943, F/O. Murray penetrated deep into Northern France, and despite intense fire from the defences, inflicted much damage on enemy transport and caused casualties to German infantry. He has also secured some excellent photographs taken at low level in the face of enemy fire." At the time No. 26 Squadron was flying Mustang aircraft on tactical reconnaissance and day intruder missions.